Thomas A. Jorgensen

Cleveland, OH

Thomas A. Jorgensen - retired from practice of law - previously 43 years with Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP; specialized in employee benefits and executive compensation counseling; first President of ACEBC; Chair of ABA JCEB; Chair of ABA Tax EBC; Chair of ABA SOC Committee on Technology; Chair of ABA RPTE Committee on Plan Terminations and Mergers; Chair of USCC Task Force on Qualified Plan Regulations; Chair of the Midwest Pension Conference; member of ABA Tax Council, ABA RPTE Council, ABA SCOTIS and ABA SCOCLE; member of the IRS Advisory Group for two different IRS Commissioners; Chair, Treasurer and a member of the Steering Committee of IPEBLA; lectured at organizations such as the ABA, AICPA, ASPA, NYU Federal Tax Institute, IPEBLA, ALI-ABA, IBA, and MWPC; written on topics such as Employee Benefits in Mergers and Acquisitions, Employee Stock Ownership Plans,Executive Compensation,and Flexible Compensation; Testified to the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. Congress on behalf of the USCC; Guest instructor at IRS training classes; Received the IRS TE/GE Division Commissioner Award for participation in Customer Satisfaction Team Project and the IRS TE/GE Employee Plans Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the Ad Hoc IRS Employee Plans Partnering Group; enjoys scuba diving, kayaking, flying, historic preservation, Habitat For Humanity, and travel.