Mary Ellen Signorille
Washington, DC
Mary Ellen Signorille is a staff attorney with AARP Foundation Litigation. Ms. Signorille has prepared amicus curiae briefs on employee benefits issues on behalf of AARP in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, and federal and state courts. She provides substantive and technical guidance on complex issues arising under ERISA and the Code. Ms. Signorille also prepares AARP comments to the three regulatory agencies charged with enforcing ERISA. Ms. Signorille was the Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Joint Committee on Employee Benefits. Her other bar activities included appointment as Plaintiff Co-Chair to the ABA Labor and Employment Law Employee Benefit Committee. She is currently the President of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel after serving as its Treasurer and Vice-President. She was a Co-Chair and Steering Committee member of the District of Columbia Bar Labor and Employment Law Section. She was chosen as one of the top benefits lawyers in the country by The NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL and was elected to the charter class of the College. Ms. Signorille is currently serving as a member of the U.S. Department of Labor's ERISA Advisory Council. Before joining AARP, Ms. Signorille was in private practice where she represented national and local employee benefit plans. She received a JD from Catholic University Law School and LLM from Georgetown University Law Center.
Health and Welfare Plans
I would be pleased to address a law school class or other organization from the perspective of a participant.
Fringe Benefits
I would be pleased to address a law school class or other organization from the perspective of a participant.
DC Plans
I would be pleased to address a law school class or other organization from the perspective of a participant.
Fiduciary/Other Title I Issues
I would be pleased to address a law school class or other organization from the perspective of a participant.