Mark S. Dray
Richmond, VA
With Hunton & Williams since 1970; Trustee, South. Fed. Tax Inst.(SFTI) since 1990, Chair 1987; Adv. Coun. W & M Tax Conf.-1980-88; RIA Pen.& PS 2nd Adv. Bd.; South. EB Conf. (SEBC) 1974-2008; Charter Fellow, Bd. of Gov., ACEBC (Treas., 2004-06); Fellow, ACTC; Fellow, AB and VA Bar Found.; ABA; ABA Parity Task Force; ABA Tax, ABA Tax EBC (Chair 1989-90); ABA JCEB-1988-91 (Chair 1990-91); ABA Tax PSC Comm.-1970-75; testified before WMC on behalf of the EBC; IRS TE/GE EP Ad Hoc EP Partnering Group; Rich. Bar Assoc.; VA State Bar; VA Bar Assoc.; Bd. of Gov. VSB, Tax-1977-83 (Chair 1980-81); VBA Tax-1975-81 (Chair 1979-80); VSB Comm. on Co-operation with VA Society of CPAs-1977-81 (Chair, 1980); President of W&M Law School Assoc.-1978-79; President of the W&M Law School Found.-1985-87. Frequent lecturer on benefits topics throughout the Country, including NYU, PLI, ALI-ABA, SFTI, W&M, NC, Alabama and SEBC; ALI-ABA's Basics Program 1983-2001; author of a number of benefits articles; lecturer in law W&M, U of R, Am. Col. of Life Underwriters; Bd. of Man., St. Paul's Church Home - 1992-99 (President, 1998); Firehouse Theatre Project-(Coun., Sec., and Assist. Treas., 1999-2004); Citizen Lawyer Award, W&M (May 2010); enjoys family, friends, golf and travel.