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All ACEBC® Fellows have a minimum of 20 years' experience in employee benefits law and have been recognized for making significant contributions to the advancement of the employee benefits field.
This directory allows you to search for Fellows several ways. You can search (1) by name, (2) by state, (3) by their availability to serve as an expert witness, mediator, or speaker (in any combination), and/or (4) by the topic for which they would be available to serve as an expert witness, mediator, or speaker. The College has left it to the Fellows both to designate themselves as being available to serve as expert witnesses, mediators, and speakers and to provide a description of their relevant experience. The College has not reviewed or edited the information provided by the Fellows.
ACEBC® Fellows Directory of Employee Benefits AttorneysACEBC® Deceased, In Memoriam, and Honorary Fellows (PDF)

In Memory – 2023 (PDF)

In Memory – 2022 (PDF)

Employee Benefits Attorneys: Expert Witnesses
Employee Benefits Attorneys: Mediators
Employee Benefits Attorneys: Public Speakers